Page 4 - GBS History
P. 4

Broadcasting  1954-2018

                           Prior to the incorporation of The Gospel Broadcasting
                           System Ltd. (GBS) in 1956,  programmes were made in
                           Mandarin and Cantonese with a Chinese evangelist
                           called Oliver Hsu. These were broadcast to China from
                           the missionary station in Manila, Philippines (FEBC) for
                           two years.

      Pastor Harold Bogle of the Liverpool City Mission whose
      vision for using radio as a Christian outreach led to the
      founding of GBS.

                       Bert Ralfs, a founder member of GBS,
                       shared Pastor Bogle’s vision through his
                       interest in radio. He became our first
                       programme producer, and his home was
                       our first “studio”.
                                                           Our first programme in
                                                           English was called “Search
                                                           the Scriptures” and its aim
                                                           was to be an
                                                           encouragement to British
                                                           missionaries serving in the
                                                           Far East, as well as other
    GBS Committee 1985                                     Christians. The programme
       (left to right)                                     was sent to FEBC Manila on
        Bert Ralfs                                         tape for broadcast to India
       Keith Stuffins                                      and S. E. Asia.  (1960-1967)
       Jean Stuffins
                                                           Broadcasts to West Africa
      Duncan Fisher                                        from Radio ELWA in Liberia
        Mary Ralfs                                         followed.  (1964-1990)
                                                           The programme was also
                                                           broadcast to the Caribbean
                                                           area over Radio WIVV
                                                           Puerto Rico between 1978
                                                           and 1982.
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