Page 9 - GBS History
P. 9

08 -09


       Thank you for the “Discovery” booklet just
       to hand -”Paul’s Love Letter from Prison.” I   ESSEX, UK:
       am sure I will find it a blessing as I have   It is with deep sadness to hear that
       found the many others you have sent me.   you have reached the end of your
       It has been a joy too to share them with   road because I am one of those who
       my friends.                               have been richly blessed by your
                                                 “Discovery” booklets over a number
       It was with great  sadness I read that GBS     of years. They have been helping me
       Radio has come to an end after all those   in having a clearer understanding of
       years! It will be greatly missed by myself   various passages of the Bible. All I
       and many others; but I feel sure that     can say is that as team you have
       through those who have come to know       fought the good fight. 65 years is a
       our Lord (by the power of the Holy Spirit    long time spreading the good news
       working through GBS), will continue to    to the four corners of the world. I am
       bear fruit in His name.                   sure many people have been saved
                                                 and some brought closer to our Lord
       May God bless you all richly.             Jesus Christ, like myself, because of
       Yours sincerely and with deep gratitude.           your dedicated work.

                                                 May God continue to bless you and
                                                 guide you.
                                                 Yours in Christ.

       I am very thankful indeed for the booklet “Paul’s Love Letter from Prison” which is
       the last from the “Discovery” programme. Over the years, the materials from GBS
       have been a source of blessing to me in my pastoral ministry.  The Directors,
       prayer team, men and women in the ministry have been of great encouragement
       to us.
       The ministry of GBS has come to an end, but our brotherhood will continue even
       in the coming years as your brother and sister in Christ as we continue walking
       with the Lord in the ministry of His Word.
       As a family we send our love, greetings and appreciation. May the Lord bless you!
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