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The Way of the Wise - Proverbs

11 - Six Things About God

This time we are looking at Proverbs chapter 8:1 to 21 and at six things you should know about God.  We have discovered in our previous talks that this is a book about wisdom and about the word of God.  Proverbs is a book that is full of very practical teaching about living in this sinful world.  But it is also a book that points us to God and ultimately to the Lord Jesus Christ.

God speaks to us from this ancient book in many ways.  So the first thing to know is: “How does God speak to us?”  Certain things have been revealed to us and they are easy to understand.  We know that God has given us the great visual display of his power in creation.  The Psalmist reminds us that “The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands” (Psalm 19:1).  Everybody who has got eyes to see can see this wonderful visual aid.  In Romans 1:20 the apostle Paul writes: “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that mankind is without excuse.”  The voice of God is heard in the wonder of creation even though men do their best to deny it or explain it away.

Then secondly, God speaks to us through our conscience.  Most of us know when we are doing something wrong because that inner voice convicts us and causes us discomfort.  Sometimes conscience whispers to us and sometimes it shouts to us.  This is a voice from God implanted in all of us to warn us that we have gone wrong and need to repent and turn to Him for forgiveness.  But so often the voice of conscience is ignored or suppressed.  Sadly, in some, it has become dead through constant sinning.  This is a very dangerous and sad state to be in when conscience is deadened and there is no appreciation of what is right and what is wrong.

Thirdly, we read in Proverbs8:1, “Does not wisdom call out, does not understanding raise her voice?”  Wisdom calls out when the word of God is read and preached and taught.  Jesus was sent by the Father to speak to us the truth.  He is the living Word of God and He is God’s last word to this lost world.  He went everywhere preaching the Gospel and teaching from the Scriptures.  How does God speak to us?  He speaks to us in his word, The Bible.  He speaks to us everywhere in this word, in every part, in both the Old and New Testaments, and He speaks to us only in this word as it is faithfully preached and prayerfully read.

The second thing we should know is, “Where does God speak?”  Well, in Proverbs 8:2 it says, “On the heights, along the way, where the paths meet, understanding takes her stand beside the gates into the city, at the entrances she cries aloud.”  This could speak in our day of the open air, the shopping centre or the market.  Wherever God’s word is proclaimed, God is speaking.  He speaks in churches and wherever the Bible is read.  He speaks wherever the seed has been sown in a heart or mind.  When anyone hears the word of God they know it is God speaking to them.  In their heart of hearts they know that the Gospel is true, even though Satan and their own prejudices will try to persuade them differently.

The third thing we should know about God is: “To whom does God speak?” Verse 4 says, “To you, O men, I call out; I raise my voice to all mankind.”  How wonderful that God cares about all people; people like you and me.  It is not just to a few so called important or religious people that God speaks; not just intellectual people.  He calls all men, everywhere to repent and turn to Christ for salvation.  To his disciples Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19).  According to verse 5 this gospel is for the simple and it is also for the foolish.  It is a message for all people of whatever status or ability or belief.

At this point we need to ask our fourth question: “How can we be sure about all this?” Proverbs 8:6 to 9 says this: “Listen for I have worthy things to say; I open my lips to speak what is right. My mouth speaks what is true...all the words of my mouth are just....to the discerning all of them are right, they are faultless to those who have knowledge.”  What things are referred to here?  They are the things concerning an eternal God, things concerning an immortal soul, an everlasting state, a salvation or a condemnation.  The  eternal, living God is the only one who speaks what is true.  He is the God who cannot lie. Jesus, who is Himself God, said, “I am the truth” (John 14:6).  God the Holy Spirit is called “The Spirit of truth” (John 14:17).  God’s Word can be trusted when it comes to knowing about Him and about ourselves and about the way back to Him from our sinful ways.  Through his Word God opens people’s eyes, he gives sight to the spiritually blind. We can be sure of these things because God’s Word is trustworthy.  Those who place their faith in what God says find that what He says is true.  The world says, “Seeing is believing”, but the Christian says, “Believing is seeing”.

In verse 12 we read, “I wisdom dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion.”  In the New Testament we read that “in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3).  So look at God’s word, look at the Lord Jesus Christ, look at the cross of Calvary and see him dying for sinners; look at the transforming power of the Gospel in so many lives. Oh yes, you can be sure that this is true.

Then, verses 10 and 11 remind us that we have a choice, “Choose my  instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies and nothing you desire can compare with her.”  All the wealth of this world does not compare to knowing God, and cannot satisfy the soul.  Jesus said, “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36).  Of course, wealth is not evil in itself, but it can keep people from heaven, it can take hold and get a grip upon the life.  Wealth can make people self-sufficient and proud and self-important.  Paul was right when he said that the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.  Wealth can distort our perception of true values, never satisfy the true needs and longings of the soul, and it is a poor substitute for knowing God through Jesus Christ our Saviour.  So you have a choice to either listen to and act upon what God says, or to refuse to listen and go your own way.

So, how does God speak, where does He speak, to whom does he speak, now, fifthly: “What does God say?”  We find that in Proverbs 8:13: “To fear the Lord is to hate evil. I hate pride and arrogance, evil behaviour and perverse speech.”  This is what God says.  He is to be feared.  We should have a holy, healthy fear of God and realise that He does not and cannot ignore the sinful pride that says it does not need Him. He does not and cannot ignore wickedness of any kind and all are answerable to Him for the things we say - “every idle word will be called to account.”

Those who truly know God, hold Him in reverence and awe, hate all that is wrong, all that is opposed to Him, and seek to live lives that avoid all appearance of evil and that are pleasing to Him.

And finally we can know “What God promises.” In verse 17 God says, “I love those who love me and those who seek me find me.”  God promises something very wonderful here - success for seekers.  Seeking and finding go together in the Bible, and seeking God with all your heart ensures finding.  God’s promise is absolute, it’s guaranteed.  God says I love those who love me and who seek me.  As we close this study, can I ask, do you have a hunger for Christ, for the one who said that the water I give shall be within you a spring of water welling up into eternal life?

Click here for part 12.