The Dynamic Church
This time we move on to 2 Timothy, the second of the three Pastoral letters. This letter is probably the last one that Paul wrote. When Paul wrote 1 Timothy he was free, having been released from house arrest in Rome. A few years had passed since Paul wrote his first letter to Timothy in 62 AD. After being freed from house arrest Paul travelled on what some have called his fourth missionary journey. Scripture doesn’t provide the itinerary for this journey. It’s possible to work it out from the various places Paul said he wanted to visit he mentioned in other letters. But that’s another study on its own. Towards the end of this journey Paul was arrested and imprisoned in Rome. Nero was Emperor and he accused the Christians of setting fire to the city. Paul was caught up in this. 2 Timothy was written about this time around 67 AD. Paul wrote it from a dark and dismal Roman prison.
It has often been said that Timothy had a timid personality. Paul says in chapter 1 verse 7, “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self discipline”. The question is, was this a weak character trait, or was it a timidity over a specific thing? These were difficult days for the church. It was a temptation to become silent and not speak up for Jesus. In the context Paul talks about not being ashamed. He says in verse 8, “So do not be ashamed to testify about the Lord”. Timothy was in danger of being timid about being bold for Christ. The word “timid” in the original Greek means “cowardice or shame”. Shame means here the fear of rejection because of being connected with Jesus and other Christians. The dynamic church will be made up of believers who are bold to speak out for their saviour. I wonder if you speak up for the Lord where you are.
Paul gives Timothy reasons to be bold. We can learn from these ourselves, and think about them when we are tempted to be fearful and silent. He begins with the salutation and says in verse 2, “To Timothy, my dear son, Grace, mercy and peace from God the father and Christ Jesus our Lord”.
Usually, when Paul begins a letter, he mentions grace and peace. Here he adds mercy. Grace says God accepts you in Christ. Peace says God is with you watching out for you. Mercy says God knows your pain and will help you in it. Knowing God’s mercy will help you be bold as you suffer as a Christian. He knows about you and cares for you. Always remember that your Christian brother and sisters are praying for you in your difficulties. Paul assures Timothy in verse 3, “night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers”. In verses 4 and 5 Paul reminds Timothy of his spiritual heritage. He says, “I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice”. When you become fearful think of God’s goodness to you and how he’s been working in your life over the years. Remember the calling of God and the gift he’s given you that you might serve him well. Paul says in verse 6, “fan into flame the gift of God which is in you”. Develop your ministry. Use it faithfully and unashamedly. Then recall the power you have from God. We read in verse 7 that we have, “a spirit of power, of love and of self discipline”. You may feel weak and inadequate but God has given you the power to be bold. The indwelling Holy Spirit enables you. Also when you love someone it removes the fear you might have toward them. If you really love the lost then you’ll not be shy about speaking to them about Jesus. It comes down to a choice you make. Paul says in verse 8, “So do not be ashamed”. It’s something you must do. This is where faith is used. Is God with me? If he is I will speak and not be afraid. A further encouragement is to remember you are the product of God’s plan and purpose. Paul says in verse 9, “God ... saved us and called us to a holy life not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace”. Stand strong when you’re opposed because you have a glorious calling. You preach about the only message that makes sense in a dying world. One truth that encouraged Paul to remain unashamed was the fact that even if he should die for being a believer it wasn’t the end. He says in verse 10 that Jesus, “has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel”. He reminds Timothy of this so that even if he loses his life for Christ the future is endless and bright. We have a great hope as Christians! We need to realise that suffering is part of following Jesus. Don’t be surprised when it comes. We read in verse 8, “Join with me in suffering for the gospel”. Paul says in verses11 and 12, “And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher. That is why I am suffering as I am”.
Once you identify yourself with Jesus Christ the world will persecute you. But we need never be ashamed because the gospel we teach is true and the only answer for mankind. It’s important to leave everything in God’s hands as we face trails and problems as Christians. We don’t know what the future holds but we do know that the future is under his control. Paul says in verse 12, “I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day”. Paul had entrusted his soul into God’s hand and safe keeping. No matter what storms you face your soul is safe in the rock of ages. He will bring you to the end of the race and take you to heaven where he is. The last truth that should help us not to be ashamed is that God has entrusted you with his gospel. We read in verse 14, “Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you”. The deposit is what he mentioned in the verse 13. He says, “What you have heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus”. What a privilege to be custodians of God’s word, and for him to trust us with its proclamation. This is an honour. How can we be timid when the King of the universe has done this? How can we be ashamed of such a thing? If the leader of your country asked for you personally, and gave you a responsible job to do, wouldn’t you let everyone know about it? I think you would. Well don’t be ashamed of the work God has called you to do for him.