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The Disciples of Christ

11 - Enlightenment

We look now at Chapter 14 and at the “Master’s Enlightenment”.  Someone once said "It is a chapter of precious promises." Promises for the future, and promises for the present.  We discover first of all in the opening statement of verse 1 the loving concern of the Master for His own disciples: "Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God, and also in Me." I cannot think of a better basis for our trust than placing it in God and His Son, Jesus Christ.  The Lord Jesus then goes on to give a clear promise that one day He will come back again for His own people.  In this lovely statement in verses 1 to 3, there is comfort- "Let not your hearts be troubled"; there is certainty - "If I go and prepare a place for you, I WILL come back and take you to be with Me"; and there is also consummation (or completion) - "That you also may be where I am." What a wonderful prospect there is in this promise for every disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ - a future eternally secure!

Thomas, one of the Lord’s disciples, then asks one of his keen, penetrating questions.  Thomas is often criticised for his apparent doubting, but we need to remember that some of the Lord’s great statements result from Thomas’s questions.  So, he says (in verse 5): "Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?  Jesus answered, I am the way, the truth and the life.  No-one comes to the Father except through Me."

This is one of the great texts of the New Testament which makes clear the way of salvation.  The Lord Jesus is saying:





In John chapter 17 verse 3, Jesus said: "This is life eternal that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ Whom you have sent." So, in verses 6 to 14 of John chapter 14, as the Lord Jesus enlightens His disciples, we see “The Revelation of the Father”.

Now we come to verse 15 where the Lord says: "If you love Me, you will obey what I command." He goes on to say - in verse 21: "Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me.  He who loves Me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love Him, and show myself to him." Here then, we have “The Revelation of the Son” to the Christian believer.  You will note, won’t you, the two principal requirements for this revelation - LOVE ME and OBEY ME.  So, if you desire to know your Master better, your love for Him must grow stronger, and your obedience to Him must be greater.

In verse 16 there is another promise.  It is the promise of the gift from God of His Holy Spirit - the Comforter or Counsellor - to be with you for ever.  Do note again that Jesus says "The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him, nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He lives with you, and will be IN you." The disciples already knew of the existence and work of the Holy Spirit, but it was at Pentecost that He would come upon them and live in them.  You can read about this in the Acts chapter 2.  In this connection we have another precious promise in verse 18 of John 14: "I will not leave you orphans.  I will come to you." Here then is the third revelation to the disciples: “The Revelation of the Holy Spirit”.  The disciples would lose the physical presence of their Master, but in His place the Holy Spirit would minister to them.  He would have a threefold ministry: A ministry of comfort -A ministry of guidance and A ministry of teaching.  This would be an ongoing ministry.  Verse 16 again - "He will be with you forever." The Spirit of God is not just an occasional helper.  He is One Who abides, and Who by His presence and companionship, gives encouragement, strength and support.

He is also called "The Spirit of Truth." In a world of darkness, devilry and deception, man’s great need is the truth.  The Lord Jesus had already said that He is the truth, and He came into the world to reveal the truth.  We read in the first Letter of John chapter 5 verse 6, "It is the Spirit Who testifies because the Spirit is the truth", and His great theme is Christ, Himself the truth!

We come now to the end of John chapter 14.  It closes with a word of comfort - just as it opened with one.  Here we have the promise of peace for the disciples.  Verse 27 reads:  "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid." Jesus is not simply giving them a farewell message.  The peace here is a bequest and not just freedom from anxiety.  This peace that Jesus left his disciples has to do rather with all that makes for mental and spiritual welfare.  Notice the emphasis on MY peace - the peace of Christ.  This peace is from heaven and is independent of outward circumstances.  Paul, in Philippians chapter 4 verse 7 tells us that it is the "peace that transcends all understanding, and guards the heart and the mind in Christ Jesus."

So, we’ve discovered that John chapter 14 contains many precious promises for the disciples.  Promises of comfort and consolation from their soon departing Master.  His promises are just as applicable to you as a disciple of the Lord Jesus today.

Click here for part 12.