The Claims of Jesus Christ
5 - The Door
We have been thinking of the words of Jesus in John’s Gospel chapter 10where He says “I am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved and go in and out and find pasture.” We were thinking of the “being saved" last time and how wonderful it was to have a way of escape from the condemnation and guilt of our sin. But it is also true that humanity is held captive by sin. People are slaves to sin and need a way of escape here as well. What do I mean by this? Let me explain.
We are not really free men and women. We are enslaved by our passions and our sinful habits. We so often wish we were different, don’t we? If only we didn’t fly into violent tempers; if only we didn’t steal and lie and cheat. If only we were not unclean in our thoughts and often in our actions too, but we are. These things are true and much more also. As Paul says, “When I would do good, evil is present with me” (Romans 7 verse 21). We so often do not seem able to do the things we ought to do, and don’t seem to be able to stop doing the things we ought not to do.
This is exactly what Paul says in the passage from which we quoted just now. He found a way of escape, though, from the impossible situation in which he was caught. The Lord Jesus was the door of escape. He says at the end of the passage: “Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God - through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7 verses 24 and 25). So you see, Jesus died, not only to free us from condemnation, but also to make us free from our sinful habits and attitudes. Jesus said, in John 8 verse 36, “If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.” He is the door of escape. He is the way into freedom.
But remember, the words of Jesus in John chapter 10 were not only that we should be saved, but also that the one who enters will go in and out and find pasture. Here is the picture of sheep being fed and cared for. Christ is not only a way of escape, but also the door into fields of spiritual riches that will make life whole and satisfying. Jesus is the door that opens up something wonderful to us. Now there are some doors we do not particularly want to go through We may imagine that we don’t really like what is on the other side. That is so true, isn’t it? But it is not true with this door.
What does Jesus mean by “finding pasture”? This very same chapter in John's Gospel tells us what it is that Jesus is offering. He goes on to say, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I am come that they might have life and have it to the full.” This life Jesus is talking about is eternal life, the very life of God himself. If we have this, it makes all the difference to ordinary natural life. It means that we can enjoy living because we have that extra, spiritual dimension that comes with the life of God. The strange thing is that true enjoyment of life does not in the end depend on the possessions we have, or the amount of money, learning or education we have; it does not even depend on being healthy. With all these natural, material things many people are thoroughly miserable. On the other hand, without very much of them, many people are truly enjoying life because they have the Lord Jesus and His life within. He brings with Him a sense that all is well, because He has reconciled us to God and has us in His care. Life is full of challenge and interest because all that we do is done for Him.
There is something else beyond this door, and that is peace, the peace that Jesus gives. In John 14 verse 27, Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.” And in Matthew 11 verse 28, He says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Peace does not mean we have no troubles and that there are never any storms. It means Jesus is with us in the midst of them and assuring us that all is well. It means that He is in control and will not fail us.
Once there were two pictures painted both entitled “peace”, but they were so different from each other. Both were of lakes surrounded by mountains. But in one there was what we would normally call a peaceful scene - no clouds in the sky, calm waters on the lake, not a breath of air, all so still and peaceful. But the other was of a storm tossed lake; bleak thunder clouds in the sky and the trees swaying in the wind. Out on the branch of one of the trees, tossed by the wind, was a bird, singing, happy and carefree. That bird was at peace. He knew all was well; whatever happened, he could fly away. That is the kind of peace Jesus gives. It is calm in the times of storm. We belong to Him and are in His hands. This is one of the treasures we may have if we go through the door - Peace with God and God’s peace within.
There is joy, too, on the other side of this door. Joy is different from happiness. Happiness is when everything is going right, when everything is pleasing us. You do not need me to tell you that this can easily be upset. Everything does not usually go just as we want it for very long. Illness, accidents, bereavement, natural disasters, loss of money, failure to do something we had always wanted to do, all sorts of things spoil our natural happiness. But joy is different. It is that deep sense of satisfaction and pleasure in the presence of someone, or sometimes something, you love or are fond of. The joy that Jesus gives comes through the love of God in our hearts and through the realisation of all that Jesus has done for us. It is the fruit of the Spirit; it is that inward satisfaction in Jesus. It is in adoring Him and delighting in Him. This is the kind of joy that is ours when we go through the door and put our trust in Jesus as our Saviour and Lord.
There is one more treasure to discover as we continue to think about the claim that Jesus made that He is the “Door” to eternal life and peace with God. This treasure is heaven itself. Life here on earth is not all there is. When we die it is not the end of everything. The body may decay away, but that part of us which is called the soul lives on. But it is important to know that all do not live on in the same way or in the same place. The Christian good news speaks of those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as receiving eternal life and passing from death to life. These go into the presence of God and are with Him in a state of blessing and joy. This the Bible calls heaven.
However difficult life may have been down here, however hard the battle, it is worth it all if we know we shall enter God’s presence at last. Finally we shall enjoy and be part of all the wonderful reality of the new heavens and the new earth described for us in the book of Revelation chapters 21 and 22. We shall enjoy all that will be found in the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He shall be King indeed in a world that is perfect and peaceful, where there is no death, sorrow, crying, pain, hunger or thirst. This is the certainty you can know by placing your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is the door.