Redeeming Love - Studies in the Book of Ruth
11 - The Redeemer's Qualifications
As we have looked at the story of Ruth we have noticed that Boaz is a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ in his love and provision for his people. This is especially seen in Boaz’s role as the kinsman-redeemer, purchasing the land belonging to the family of Elimelech and taking Ruth to be his wife. The Lord Jesus Christ is our Redeemer having paid the price for our salvation from sin by his death on the cross. The kinsman-redeemer needed certain qualifications before he could be recognised, and before he could act. I want to look at these qualifications and apply them to the Lord Jesus and so discover all that He has done for us.
First, the kinsman-redeemer had to be a relation. He needed to be a family member and someone who was identified with them. Our Lord Jesus Christ identified Himself with the human race. Philippians chapter two verses five to eight describe this for us: “ ... Christ Jesus, who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!” Jesus is the Word of God come in human form. We read this in the first chapter of John’s Gospel verse fourteen: “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us”. The Lord became part of the human race and He shared in our sufferings. We read in Hebrews chapter two verse eleven, “But the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers”. God in Christ became one of us so that He might be our kinsman-redeemer.
Second, the kinsman-redeemer had to be able to redeem. He must have what was needed to pay the price. Boaz was described as “a man of standing”. This can also be translated as “a man of wealth” or “a man of property”. Boaz had both the ability and the resources to redeem the land for Naomi and Ruth. So too the Lord Jesus was qualified to act as our redeemer. No sinner can pay the price for the sin of another. Jesus Christ came as the spotless Lamb of God. He came into the world and lived a perfect, sinless life, and was thus able to offer that life in atonement for the sins of the world. He was perfect in his death for by it He accomplished the Father’s will for our salvation. His resurrection declared Him to be whom He claimed to be and demonstrated the Father’s acceptance of that redeeming sacrifice. We read in Romans chapter one verse four, “Who through the Spirit of Holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God”. Because of what Christ accomplished on the cross " ... God exalted him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every kneed should bow ...”. He has paid the purchase price completely and fully for our salvation. Nothing is lacking, there is no more to be paid by us; all has been achieved by our glorious Lord. On the cross He cried “Finished!” The work was complete. When we pay a bill sometimes the words “paid in full” are written across it, there is nothing more to pay. We will never be asked to pay more. The hymn-writer, Graham Kendrick, put it like this, “The price is paid, come let us enter in to all that Jesus died to make our own. For every sin more than enough He paid and bought our freedom from each guilty stain”. All our sins, past, present and future are atoned for and covered by the precious blood of Christ.
Third, the kinsman-redeemer must be willing to fulfil his duty. Boaz was willing to act for Naomi and Ruth. In Ruth chapter three verse eleven we have his words, “And now, my daughter, do not be afraid. I will do for you all you ask”. You will remember that there was a nearer kinsman whose duty it was to act, but Boaz says, “If he wants to redeem, good, let him redeem. But if he is not willing, as surely as the Lord lives, I will do it”. His willingness is seen in the way he talks to the next of kin: “If you will redeem it, do so. But if you will not, tell me so that I will know. For no one has the right to do it except you, and I am next in line”. The Lord Jesus left the glory of heaven willingly. The Father sent his Son to be the Saviour of the world and He came in love to be our redeemer. Here is the amazing grace we thought about in a previous study. We were sinners, lost in darkness, slaves to sin and Satan, unholy and ungodly. We were rebels against the King of the Universe and self-centred. (The middle letter of the word sin is “I”). There was nothing in us that deserved that God should act to save us, but Jesus came as a willing offering for the sin of the world. He came to do the will of God for our redemption. (See Hebrews chapter ten verses five to seven)
So, we have discovered that our Lord Jesus Christ is supremely qualified to be our “Kinsman-Redeemer”. May we willingly commit ourselves to Him and receive all the blessings that He has for us.