Effective Christian Living - Nehemiah
12 - Chapter 12
Nehemiah chapter 12 records the final climatic event to the building of the wall of Jerusalem. The chapter divides into two parts. From verse 1 to 26 there is a list of the names of the priests and Levites from the time of Zerubbabel to Nehemiah. Verses 27 to 47 record the service of dedication for the walls.
The first section, verses 1 to 26, contains many names that will not be familiar to you. Most of them are mentioned just once in the Bible. You don't read of them again. We don't know anything of their background. There are some lessons for us here; one is that we must have a sense of history. Verse 1 says, "These were the priests and Levites who returned with Zerubbabel". This was the first return of the Jews in 538 B.C. We read in verse 26, "They served - in the days of Nehemiah". This refers to another company of God's people who were involved in the work after the third return in 444 B.C. All this covers a period of about 100 years. Yet all the people listed were part of the glorious work of the building of Jerusalem.
The people in Nehemiah's day were indebted to the people of Zerubbabel’s day. Those in the first return laid the foundation. Those in the later return built the edifice. Yet the work is one, and the work is God's. We have picked up the torch of the gospel from those of previous years who faithfully held it high. We are reaping the benefits of the prayers and toils of faithful believers who have gone before us. You read your Bible, but someone fought and maybe even died to secure that liberty for you. You came to Christ because someone told you about Him, and someone else told the one who told you! You enjoy worship and fellowship in God's house because earlier Christians came to your town or village with the Gospel possibly many years before you were born.
Your commitment to Christ now will have an influence upon future generations. In a sense, the quality of the spiritual life of the next generation depends on the type of service you give to the Lord today. Throughout that hundred year period godly believers served God with all their hearts, strength, mind and soul. Let us be sure to leave a godly heritage behind us when we depart to be with Christ.
A further lesson from this part of chapter 12 is that most people listed are not well known. In fact, we would never have known they existed if it wasn't for this list of names. God has been pleased to mention them because of their faithfulness to His work. In Hebrews 6 verse 10 we read, "God is not unjust, He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him". You may not be a well-known figure in the Christian community. You may never be quoted. You may be serving the Lord in a remote, obscure place, but God sees you. God knows who you are. You're precious to Him. He says to you in Isaiah 43 verse 1, "Fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have called you be name, you are mine".
Your work for Him does not go unrecognised. He sees your toil. He knows the pressures and your loneliness. He understands. Your name is known to the Saviour who said in John 10 verse 4, "I know my sheep". You have an allotted portion. This is your hour. You are where God has placed you for such a time as this. If you're remembered by only a few, rest content in this that you have made your contribution to the ongoing work of the kingdom of God. God will not forget. That is reward in itself!
The second section of chapter 12, verses 27 to 47, deals with the dedication service of the newly completed walls. This was a time of great joy. We read in verse 27, "At the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, the Levites were sought out from where they lived and were brought to Jerusalem to celebrate joyfully the dedication with songs of thanksgiving and with the music of cymbals, harps and lyres". Verse 30 says, "When the priests and Levites had purified themselves ceremonially, they purified the people, the gates and the walls". God blesses and uses clean vessels.
Before you preach God's word, teach your Sunday School class, witness to your neighbours and friends, or sing for Christ, make sure that you are cleansed from sin. Unconfessed sin weakens the impact of your ministry. Israel had sinned yet they still offered to God their worship and service. God said in Isaiah 1 verse 11-15, "Stop bringing meaningless offerings - I cannot bear your evil assemblies - when you spread your hands in prayer I will hide my eyes from you". That is bad news. The result of sin in our lives always is! The good news is that if you confess your sin and forsake it, God will forgive you of your sin, and He will bless you. Your worship and service will be acceptable in His sight.
The celebration of the dedication of the walls included a procession. Two separate marching groups were involved. Verse 31 tells us, "One was to proceed on top of the wall to the right". This group was led by Ezra. Verse 38 says that, "The second choir proceeded in the opposite direction". Nehemiah was part of this group. Both groups would march on the walls northward toward the temple where they came together. Verse 40 says, "The two choirs that gave thanks then took their place in the house of God". There was a sense of joy such as they had not experienced for a long time as a nation. Verse 43 says, "And on that day they offered great sacrifices, rejoicing because God had given them great joy".
Part of that joy was because of their personal involvement in the completion of the work. The thrill of victory and achievement is always greater when you've played a part in it yourself. The more that you're involved in the activity of your church the more joy you'll experience when you see souls saved and prayers wonderfully answered. There is no greater joy or sense of fulfilment than to see God's work prosper through His blessing on your efforts for His glory. Verse 43 says, "The sound of rejoicing in Jerusalem could be heard far away". There is something infectious about joy. It has the ability to attract people and arouse curiosity. I'm sure the neighbouring towns wondered what the noise was all about. The praise and worship could be heard for miles. What an advert for the reality that true faith brings to the man or woman whose experienced God's presence and power in their lives.
People today are searching for a lasting joy. The source of all joy is the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said in John 15 verse 11, "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete". The fruit of the Spirit includes joy. I wonder what impression your unsaved friends and family get when they look at you. Do they see the joy of the Lord? Do they see a joyful church? Or do you look and sound defeated and miserable. Someone once said, "A joyless Christian is a liability on his master". The joy that Christ gives is unmistakable. People will see it and hear it. They'll want that same deep joy for themselves, and you can point them to the joy-giver Jesus Christ. Their search will end with a personal encounter with the Saviour.
Verses 44 to 47 tell us that, "Men were appointed to be in charge of the storerooms for the contributions, first-fruits and tithes". The people were committed to the practical support of the work. In verse 47 we're told, "All Israel contributed to the daily portions for the singers and gatekeepers". Every believer in the church is under an obligation to make financial and practical provision for its day to day expenses. This service of the priests, Levites, singers and gatekeepers, and the provision made by the people for the needs wasn't some new idea of Nehemiah's! It is a requirement they rediscovered when Ezra read the word of God to them, as we discovered in chapter 8.
We read in chapter 12 verses 45 and 46, "They performed the service of their God - according to the commands of David and his son Solomon. For long ago, in the days of David and Asaph, there had been directions for the singers and for songs of praise and thanksgiving to God". The people of God kept to the Scripture. Their consciences were bound to the word of God. Our concern is the same today. The Bible is God's final, complete, sufficient word on all matters of faith and conduct. Test everything you plan to do by the scriptures.
May you and your church experience the joy if the Lord as you continue to serve Him where He has put you.