Living with Purpose - 6
Studies in the book of Ecclesiastes - Chapter 5
Are you searching for meaning and purpose in life? Then the message of the book of Ecclesiastes is for you! Solomon has shown in chapters three and four that a real sense of purpose in life cannot be found in this passing world. So can true happiness and joy ever be found? The answer is yes, but only in a relationship with the Lord. Chapter 5 shows us how. In verse 20 Solomon says this about the person who knows God, "God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart". This gladness of heart is experienced by all those who make a wise use of the Lord’s day and a wise use of the weekday. That is the theme of this chapter. Matthew Henry, the well known Bible commentator, said, "If we can learn out of this chapter how to manage the business of religion, and the business of the world -which two make up most of our time - so that both may turn to a good account, and neither our Sabbath days or our weekdays may be lost, we shall have reason to say, we have learned two good lessons. "
Consider first, the wise use of the Lord’s day. We read in verse 1, "Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. " It seems that many will go anywhere but Church today. Yet it is in a Bible preaching church where you will hear things that will lead you to a personal relationship with God and that will transform your life. Along with the decline in church attendance has come a decline in morals and an increase in immorality and evil. God's house represents God's presence, and seeking God's presence is the first step to real joy. It is in his house that God is pleased to speak to us. So verse 1 says "go near to listen". This is what it means to “guard your steps. ” Attend Gods house and do so without arrogance, but with a humble, teachable spirit. You are coming into the presence of Almighty God. The wise person is the one who will listen to what God has got to say. How does God speak in his house? He speaks through his word the Bible. He uses Bible preachers to declare his word. Jesus said in John 7 verse 17, "Sanctify them by your truth, your word is truth. " Paul said to Timothy, the young preacher, in 2 Timothy 4 verse 2, "Preach the word".
Two dangers must be avoided as you attend Gods house. You must avoid being a fool. We read in verse 1, "Listen rather than offer the sacrifice of fools. " The Bible teaches the importance and centrality of the preaching and teaching of God’s word. The sacrifice of fools is anything that replaces the preaching of God’s word and distracts from it. It also includes anything in church life that is offered to God, such as rituals, ceremonies, practices, traditions that are not found in God’s word. Be sure that what you believe and practice has the support of the Bible. You must also avoid hypocrisy. Verse 2 says, “Do not be quick with your mouth. . . . to utter anything before God. ” When God speaks to your heart through his word and you promise to do something about it, then do it. Verse 4 says, "When you make a vow do not delay in fulfilling it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfil your vow. " A vow is a voluntary offering or a commitment to do something you have promised God. What promises have you made to God? Are you keeping them? Did you promise to tithe your income; be hospitable to your fellow brothers and sisters in church; be more supportive of your church and its activities; to be more holy and less worldly? Have you paid your vows? Jesus said in Matthew 7 verse 24, "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practise is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. " Someone once said, "Lip labour is lost labour!" The end of verse 7 shows us what will help us to be wise and genuine believers. We read, "Stand in awe of God. " Reverence Him and his word. When you do this then you will be careful to be diligent in all that God requires of you as revealed in his word.
The second step to fulfilment and purpose is to consider the wise use of the weekday. To experience real gladness of heart you must keep a loose grip on the world. In verses 8 to 20 we find the keys to maintaining the joy of the Lord in your work-a-day world of activities. First, do not seek prominence and high things. We read in verse 8, "For one official is eyed by a higher one, and over them both are others higher still". This is said in the context of the oppression of the poor. There is injustice, and the rights of the poor are denied by those in high office. There is nothing wrong with advancing in your job. The danger is that the higher you go the more pressure you are put under to conform to the questionable practices of the system. If you climb the ladder of success in your employment commit your way to the Lord, remain just and honourable, and you will know God’s presence and help. You will also enjoy true job satisfaction.
Do not be a lover of money. Verse 10 says, "Whoever loves money never has money enough. That is because, contrary to popular belief, although money is necessary to pay your way, it does not satisfy the deep needs of the human heart. So verse 10 goes on to say, "Whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. "
Avoid living for possessions. Verse 11 says, "As goods increase so do those who consume them. And what profit are they to the owner except to feast his eyes on them. " Possessions come and go. You have them then they are consumed either by you or the family and friends. They are subject to loss, deterioration, even theft. It is futile to pin your hopes for contentment on things that are so changeable and passing. Jesus said in Matthew 6 verse 19, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. " Solomon lists the consequences of living for position, money, and possessions. Verse 12 says, "The abundance of a rich man permits him no sleep. " That is because material possessions bring with them worry and anxiety. The rich fool said in Luke 12 verse 17, "What shall I do?" He was up all night wondering about how he could keep his wealth secure! Verse 13 says, “I have seen ... wealth hoarded to the harm of its owner. ” Wealth can harm you by making you feel self secure and feel no need for trust in God. Jesus said in Luke 13 verse 22, "The worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful. "
Are you searching for real joy? Then attend God’s house, hear his word and obey it. Avoid the temptations you see around you in the week to live for money, position, and possessions. Keep your eyes on Jesus Christ.