Jude 11
Keep Yourselves In The Love Of God
Hello as once again we look at the New Testament letter of Jude which you will find towards the end of the Bible. This letter is as relevant today as it was in the first century when it was written. This time we are looking at verse 21 where Jude says to his readers, and to us today: "Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. "
We have discovered in our previous studies that Jude is concerned that false teachers, or apostates from the truth, had infiltrated the local assemblies of God’s people and were causing divisions and ensnaring the Christians with their falsehoods and errors. They are still doing this today and so this small letter is a warning to us to be on our guard and to be sure that we keep ourselves in the love of God.
So what does it mean that we should "keep ourselves in God’s love"? And exactly how do we do this? Four things are required of us:
First there must be the strengthening of our faith. We have already seen in previous verses that we are to build ourselves up in our most holy faith. The word used in some versions of the Bible is "edification", and this simply means "building up. " We can only do this as we know the truth. Our faith is to be built on the Word of God and on nothing else, for that Word is the truth. Any teaching that does not accord with God’s Word is false teaching.
The second way of keeping ourselves in the love of God is through devotion. We have also discovered that we are to be a praying people, and that our prayers are to be Spirit led. As we learn to speak to God in prayer and to express our devotion to Him, so we will be more and more conscious of his love for us. We are to be faithful in our prayer-life. In his letter to the Philippians, chapter 4 verses 6 and 7 Paul says this:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus".
Thirdly, we keep ourselves in the love of God through our love for our Lord Jesus Christ - our affection for Him. The more we appreciate and express our love for our Saviour, the more we shall realise the great love of God towards us in giving Him to die for our sins on the cross. We are to be ever grateful to Him for all that He has done for us. Peter puts it like this in 1 Peter chapter 1 verse 8:
"Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy".
And the fourth way in which we can keep ourselves in the love of God is through "expectation". We read in verse 14 about waiting for "the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life". We are reminded that our Saviour is coming again and then our salvation will be complete. Are you looking for his appearing? As you wait, are you living for Him a life that is pleasing to God? Live each day in the expectation of Christ’s return and you will keep yourself in the love of God.
Christ is coming in mercy towards those who love him, to bring us into the fullness of eternal life. But verse 15 of this letter also reminds us that He is coming in judgement on the ungodly: "To judge everyone and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they have done". Friend, are you ready for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Christian believer, are you concerned for the edification, the building-up, not only of your own faith, but also of the Lord’s people where you are? If you are to keep yourself in the place where God’s love can bless you, then you must continue to grow; be truly devoted to the Lord; demonstrate your affection for the Saviour; and be expectantly waiting for his return.
This is what it means to keep ourselves in the love of God. We know that God loved us, even before we thought of loving Him. He has loved us from eternity, from before the creation, with an everlasting love. The living God surrounds us with his love having demonstrated it supremely at Calvary. If God is your Saviour and your trust is in the Lord Jesus Christ, then enjoy the fact that His love is a constant love, it is not here one day and gone the next. The love of God never changes towards his people. Do not lose the sense of God’s love for you by careless or sinful living. We are to keep ourselves in God’s love. This is something that calls for determination on our part. We are to seek always to live in God’s favour and not to grieve Him. Do not cause the Lord to have to chasten or rebuke you, for those He loves He disciplines as a good father does his children.
We should meditate on the love of God for us. We should be always conscious of it and respond to it by the way we live our lives. The eternal God is our Father; this is a relationship that unbelievers do not have. The apostle John rejoiced in this when he wrote in 1 John 3 verse 1: "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God!"
So, what have we discovered concerning how we are to keep ourselves in the love of God? Firstly, Jude has reminded us that it is by knowing the truth as revealed in the Scriptures and by building ourselves up in the faith. Do not neglect going to hear the Word of God taught and proclaimed by faithful men of God. Do not neglect your own private reading. It is through the Word that you will be strengthened and armed to face the tests of faith that will surely come your way.
Secondly, as our prayers are directed by the Holy Spirit, so we be all the more conscious of God’s love for us. Do not neglect your own personal prayer-life and be encouraged by joining with other believers for corporate prayer.
Thirdly, we must avoid anything that would diminish our love for the Lord Jesus, especially sinful and selfish things that would take his place in our affection. Keep short accounts with God. If you fall into sin confess it immediately and ask his forgiveness.
If it is at all possible for you, meet with other believers faithfully every Lord’s Day. Keep his day holy and faithfully remember the Lord Jesus at his table as He has asked us to. All these God appointed ordinances are there to stir up your love, so do not feel that you can do without them. Keep yourself in the love of God by meditating on Him, the great Creator, his holiness and his love in redeeming you.
Keep busy for the your Lord. Are you using your gifts for Him? Is there no one to visit; no one to witness to; no one to encourage; no one to pray with? Those who keep themselves in God’s love are also those who show that love to others.