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13 - Chapter 14

We come now to our final study in the book of Joshua as we discover together the lessons to be learned in chapter 14.  After chapter 11 the book is chiefly concerned with the division of the land of Canaan among the various tribes of the Children of Israel.  That goes on until the end of chapter 22 and then in the remaining chapters Joshua challenges both the leaders and the whole nation to be faithful to God so that they will know His blessing and be successful.  That is how it is to be with us today, since God never changes.  In Joshua chapter 14 we see an example of such faithfulness in one man, Caleb.  We are going to look at Caleb and this principle of being faithful and see what it means for our everyday lives.

In this chapter we learn how the land was distributed among the tribes by the drawing of lots, probably by drawing out of a bag a stone with some mark or number on it, or possibly a broken piece of pottery marked in a similar manner.  That would designate the area for each particular tribe.  The tribe of Levi, the priestly tribe, had no such portion for they belonged to God and He was their portion.  However, they were allocated towns and their suburbs in which to live so as to sustain themselves and their families.  Goddid not intend that those who served in the Tabernacle or later the Temple, should be distracted by land and possessions beyond their simplest needs.

In verse 6 we read that the people of Judah came to Joshua, and Caleb their senior warrior and leader spoke to him concerning what was to be allocated to him.  He reminded Joshua of what God had said over forty years earlier at a place called Kadesh Barnea.  That was the place where the Israelites rested while twelve spies entered Canaan and then brought back a report to Moses.  Ten of them were full of fear, but two of them, Joshua and Caleb, were full of faith.  God said at that time that of all the adults in that company, only Joshua and Caleb would enter the land and enjoy it as a reward for their faith in Him.

So Caleb goes on to remind Joshua of how God has kept him until his eighty-fifth year, still strong and active.  Now he asks Joshua for the hill country containing the city of Hebron.  That was where the Anakim lived, those impressive looking people who had earlier struck fear into the hearts of the ten spies.  So Hebron was given to Caleb and he appears to have defeated the Anakim for the chapter closes with the words: "Then the land had rest from war".

Let's look more closely now at this grand old warrior, Caleb, and discover what spiritual lessons we can draw from his example.  He is a living  example of that vital principle of following the Lord faithfully.  Joshua, too, was a faithful follower but then we might be tempted to say, 'Ah, but he was a great leader who was cut out for eminent service.  He was exceptional and you would expect him to tower above the rest'.  That is precisely why it is good to look at this man Caleb because we read very little about him in the Scriptures.  He was faithfully getting on with serving his Lord and doing his duty.  He was doing this throughout all those years and he is hardly mentioned!

There have been thousands like him, men and women who down the years have laboured on faithfully, giving loyal service to the Lord in a quiet, unassuming way.  Their effort and sacrifice have been known only to a few, but God does not forget their work and their labour of love.  (Hebrews 6:10) These things are seen by His eye which is in every place.  His records are always kept up to date.  Be encouraged if you are Christian working quietly for the Lord for He knows all that you are doing.

In Joshua chapter 14 we note that Caleb had a Threefold Testimony. In verse 8 we discover his own testimony, "I followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly". He was not boasting or exaggerating.  He was simply stating what the course of his life had been.  He spoke out of experience and conviction.

What about you? Can you give a word of personal testimony? Can you speak of definite experience of the Lord in YOUR life? Not so much about what happened in your home, or in the life of godly parents or a friend, but in your own experience.  Can you say with simple conviction, like Caleb, "I have wholly followed the Lord"? Can you speak of a personal experience of meeting with the Lord, turning from your sin, trusting in the death of Christ for your salvation, and going on to live for Him?

It is important not only to speak of a past experience, but also a continuing experience of following the Lord.  That is what Caleb was able to do.  He said in verse 10: "the Lord has kept me alive". He acknowledged that it was God who had preserved him and enabled him to continue in service.  Can you do the same? Are you able to acknowledge the debt you owe to God, not only for His saving grace, but also for His keeping grace? The apostle Paul did when he wrote to the Corinthian Christians: "By the grace of God, I am what I am, and His grace to me was not without effect". (1 Corinthians 15:10)

Besides Caleb's own testimony we have in verse 10 the testimony of Moses concerning the faithfulness of this man of God.  How important it is to have the confirming testimony of others.  The words of Moses to Caleb were that a portion of the land of Canaan would belong to him and his family because, "You have wholly followed the Lord your God". The point here is that Moses was able to say this to his face.  It was an honest declaration and recognition of the godly life and service of this faithful man.

What could be said to your face and mine concerning our Christian walk?  Could the people in your family, who may not be Christian believers, say to you, 'Well, I don't go along with your beliefs, but I've got to admit, you certainly follow God wholeheartedly'.  Could your friends at work say, 'I've no time for your religion, but you certainly take it seriously and it shows in the standard of your work'?

When it comes to church life and service do you have a faithful testimony there? When the pastor or elders speak with you are they able to say to you, "We've been watching how you have gone on with the Lord and we believe you are making progress and growing in Christian character"?  Can they testify that you are seriously following the Lord because they have observed your faithful attendance, your prayerful concern for the work of the church, and your growth in love for the things concerning Christ and His people?

It may be that you feel a call to teach in Sunday School, or preach God's Word, or be actively involved in evangelism at home or abroad.  That needs to be tested and confirmed by the testimony of others as they talk and pray with you.  Can they say to your face, as Moses did to Caleb, "You have been truly following the Lord", and, "We agree with your convictions and believe that God is calling you out into a further step of service and commitment to His work"?

Some people feel hurt and resentful if they don't hear such a testimony from others.  Yet it may be the case that they feel led towards something, but no one else sees it that way.  It could be that they are not ready for that step they are considering.  Do not others in the fellowship have eyes and ears also? Can they not make an informed spiritual judgement? In a soundly based, Bible-believing fellowship it will generally be the case that the testimony of others in these matters will be the right one.

There have been cases where someone has looked at some aspect of Christian work and been drawn to it because it looked exciting or enjoyable or would satisfy their ego? We need to hear the testimony of others confirming what we are considering.  Sadly, many movements and organisations have been set up by people who "felt led" to do so, yet never submitted to the acid test of faithful testimony by others.

Be assured of this that our life must be able to pass the honest and faithful scrutiny of fellow believers who are themselves spiritual, who can verify that, like Caleb, we are wholly following the Lord our God.

The third thing we discover about Caleb's life and service for God is the Testimony of History.  We read in verse 14 of Joshua chapter 14 that his possession of the city of Hebron continued with his family because "He followed the Lord God of Israel wholeheartedly". It is recorded in Scripture because it was recorded in the history of the people of God.

Clearly the life, work and service of Caleb was widely known and not disputed.  A firm place was found for it in the chronicles of the Israelites.  What will be said of you and me after we are gone?  In years to come will someone say of us, "They wholly followed the Lord; they were always in their place on the Lord's Day; they were faithful workers in all they did; they showed love to their fellow Christians and to all.  They followed the Lord faithfully"?

Christian parents will a son or daughter recall you in these terms, "My mother was faithful to the Lord.  She brought us up strictly yet lovingly in the fear of the Lord and taught us to believe in Him and walk in His ways"?  Will you be remembered as a father with affection in words such as these, "My Dad followed the Lord closely.  He read God's Word, endeavoured to live by it and taught it faithfully to others"?

It is in ways like this that history will remember us as it did with Caleb.  By God's grace may it be true of you and me that the testimony that is recorded will be, "He completely followed the Lord".  My closing appeal to you is that you cling to the Lord with purpose of heart, having believed in Him and turned to Him.  May God bless to you these studies from His Word in the book of Joshua.