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The Life Of Joseph - From Prison To Prime Minister - Part 4

On Guard! Genesis 39 verses 1-10

In our studies of the Life of Joseph we have already seen that there are many lessons for the day in which we live and today’s episode is as up-to-date as tomorrow’s newspaper! There are few experiences in life more difficult to handle than being put under pressure to do something wrong by someone who is holding a position of authority and trust over us. If, as in the case of Joseph, our whole future depends upon the decision we make, the situation is almost impossible to manage. This is the record of a young God-fearing man, miles away from home, who stood up for truth and righteousness in the face of almost overwhelming odds. We will look at the first ten verses of Genesis chapter 39 under three headings, Prosperity, Pressure and Perplexity.

Prosperity: Verses 1-6

We can picture Joseph standing in the slave market, perhaps with hundreds of other men, as the buyers tested their muscles, asking them to do exercises, and generally treating them like animals. Joseph could have been sold to one of a thousand different masters, many of whom would doubtless have given him a hard time. In the goodness of God he found himself in a well-run household, in the home of an apparently well respected Egyptian officer, who was prepared to give Joseph every opportunity to use his talents and gifts. Joseph gave his master long and faithful service (verses 2-6).

When he first arrived, life must have been very hard for a 17 year old youth, forced into slavery, far from home, grappling with a foreign language, a strange religion and a different culture. Martin Luther suggests that he must have been the first one out of bed each morning as he acquired the knowledge and skills to enable him to do his work conscientiously and well. This, surely, is a challenge to us in our day. Are we as diligent and vigilant as Joseph? He also experienced the presence of God in his daily service. What a different world we would have if men and women of today sought both the favour of God and man as they performed their daily tasks. In his letter to the Ephesians Paul challenges us to be obedient to our masters with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ, not with eye-service, as men pleasers, but doing the will of God from the heart. How delightful is the comment in the gospels which tells us that the Lord Jesus "grew up in favour with God and men" (Luke 2 verse 52). Like Enoch before him, Joseph walked with God! This was no "flash in the pan" - it carried on for about 10 years. This was followed by God's blessing and man's good testimony (verses 3-5). Although we are not guaranteed material prosperity, there are many modern day instances of godly men and women who put God first in all their business dealings, and were prospered by God as they took their stand for him! Not only did Potiphar’s household experience God's blessing, but he was quick to recognise the source of the prosperity. Joseph was the right kind of missionary who was clearly anxious that his God should have the honour and glory for the blessing which they were experiencing. This is a lesson we all need to learn! Potiphar didn't take everything from his servant and give nothing back. He was fair and generous. He noticed Joseph, accepted him, trusted him, and promoted him. Another important lesson for us is that the devil is never far away when God's blessing is being enjoyed, and prosperity was quickly followed by…


Mrs. Potiphar was not a nice woman to know! She was a covetous, shameless, persistent, scheming woman who was not used to taking no for an answer! And the butt of her seduction was a young slave from a foreign country with no rights of his own! What hope did he have of standing up to such a test? Only God could give him the courage he needed! As you are listening to this programme, you may well think that you are in an impossible situation. You feel you don't have the strength to resist the pressure of temptation which you are facing. God has clearly stated in His Word that He will not allow His children to be tempted beyond what they are able to endure (1Corinthians 10 verse 13). What an encouragement! The temptation which Joseph faced was one to which men have been subjected since time began; it was natural...it was strong...it was made by an important woman... and just at a time when Joseph had been given an exciting promotion! The temptation was persuasive (verse 7), it was persistent (verse 10), and it was passionate (verse 12). It was directed at a young man who was miles away from home and was very vulnerable. He really needed God's wisdom to see where this could lead him, if he gave way to it (Proverbs 2 verse 1-8 and 16-19; and  5 verse 3-6). He also needed God’s strength to resist it. But it was not only a temptation; it was also an opportunity! Can you picture the attack of the evil one, as the pressure is put on Joseph! He would be putting thoughts into Joseph’s head "The wife of the boss has set her heart on me! Everybody's doing it but not everybody has an opportunity like this; I mustn't let this one pass me by! I'd be a fool to resist! I've everything to lose!" Have you ever noticed how Satan seems to know when we are at our most vulnerable point? Just how is this young man going to handle such a strong temptation? For him it is a great time of…


He has been faithful to his God, and seemed to be enjoying His blessing. A temptation of this kind was the last thing he expected! Perhaps you are in the same situation today; you feel let down by God, just when you need Him most! We can gain great comfort from the way in which God enabled Joseph to resist the temptations of his master’s wife, even though he knew it would bring down her wrath upon him. It will help us to note carefully the attitude and actions of Joseph; first he recognised his...

Responsibility to his Master! We can just imagine him thinking “this woman’s husband has given me responsibility; he is the man who has been kind to me; he has given me this promotion”. We are told in verse 9 that he says to Mrs. Potiphar “he has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife” (even if you are trying to be unfaithful to him!). Joseph was a man of integrity! Some of the saddest stories of adultery are those involving best friends and even brothers! If people would only stop to think of the outcome of such sin it would never take place! Of even greater importance to Joseph, however, was his...

Responsibility to God. It was almost as though he had read David’s Psalm 51 (written many years later!), when he fell into sexual sin and cried out to God "Against You, You only have I sinned and done this evil". Joseph was determined that this would not happen; he bravely faced his master's wife; "How could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?” (verse 9). It was almost as though he knew Prov.6.27-29, which was written many years later "Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned? Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched? So is he who sleeps with another man's wife; no one who touches her will go unpunished". This holy attitude could only result in a…

Refusal to Sin. Day after day the tempter used her seductions, but without avail. Joseph not only refused to sin, but made strenuous efforts to keep away from the source of the temptation. We should take this to heart!


First of all we should be constantly aware of the biblical truth that it is tribulation or affliction that works patience (Romans 5 verse 3) and sometimes God allows it so that we will grow spiritually in Christ. Then, as Paul makes it clear in Ephesians 6 verse 5, we should work for our earthly masters as though we were doing it for Christ. Also, if we are masters we, too, we have an obligation to “give our servants what is just and fair, knowing that we have a Master in heaven” (Colossians 4 verse 1).

Finally, let us never forget the very important lesson, that all sin is against God. Purity of heart and integrity of character are what count for God in today’s world!

Click here for part 5