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The Book of James - 11

The Christian's Witness - Chapter 5, Verses 19 - 20

It is a wonderful thing to be a Christian; to be forgiven for sins and to have the assurance of God's love, guidance and blessing.  But have you ever asked yourself the question, "Why does God leave us here on earth in the presence of so much sin?" As Paul once said, it would be far better to be in Heaven with the Lord.  There is a very simple but vital answer to that question.  It is that we are saved to serve and to be witnesses to those around us.

In Acts Chapter 1 Verse 8 the Lord Jesus said to His disciples, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my WITNESSES..  to the ends of the earth."

In the concluding verses of his letter, James gives an important reason why Christians should be witnesses for the Lord Jesus Christ.

(Verses 19 - 20) "My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover a multitude of sins."

The bringing of sinners to the Lord is the tremendous result of faithful Christian witness.  There is great joy in knowing that through one's witness another person has experienced the love and grace of the Lord, and has been saved from the wrath to come, and is walking with Jesus.

True Christian witness can only come by God's Holy Spirit working in and through a born-again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.  To be an effective witness, though, we need much prayer so that we shall be kept in the will of God.

Ephesians Chapter 6 Verses 19 and 20:

"Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I may fearlessly make known the mystery of the Gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains.  Pray that I may declare it fearlessly as I should."

Here Paul is asking for prayer that as he witnesses the right words MAY BE GIVEN HIM.  That is, that he may respond solely to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  Even the apostle Paul did not want to speak in words of human wisdom, but with the words given him by the Lord.  Such words would enable him to make known the truth of the Gospel fearlessly and with authority.

Perhaps you are fearful about speaking for Christ.  Do not be discouraged if you feel like that.  Even the greatest men of God experience this, and remember Satan will attempt to defeat God's work by playing on these fears.  Take the problem to the Lord in prayer and RELY ON HIM give you the victory over your fears.  I have a friend who was very nervous of speaking to people about Jesus as he went from door to door.  He even hoped that people would be out so that he would not have to speak to them! But after prayer together with other Christians, he did it, and soon found great joy in his witness.  He had been given a real victory over his fear, and was able to rejoice in the Lord's use of him.

But our Christian witness is not only in word, but also in our behaviour.  What we ARE is noticed by everybody, and very often God can influence others by our behaviour.

I know of a school-teacher who consistently lived for Jesus Christ and showed this by the quality of her work and by her demeanour.  One day the head teacher sent for her and asked why she was different from the others.  The teacher did not at first realise what the question meant, but as the Head explained, she realised it was her Christian way of life that had been noticed.  She then quietly spoke of her faith in, and love for Christ, with the result that shortly afterwards the head teacher became a Christian, too.  That was really effective Christian witness, not, in the first instance by words, but by manner of life.

Those who are Christian pastors, teachers or leaders are in a very responsible position as regards their witness.  They are watched closely by others, and even small lapses seem large whenever they occur in those holding such positions.  Also, those whom they serve are liable to copy their behaviour.  If that behaviour and witness is not true to the Lord in every point, then someone may well be led astray.  The responsibility for this will then lie at the door of the one concerned.

So what can you do to be a faithful Christian witness?

First, commit yourself to the Lord for cleansing from all sin.

Then, ask Him to take you and mould you in accordance with His will, for His plan and purpose.

Ask Him to lead you each day in all you do, so that your witness by your behaviour will tell for God.

Ask the Lord to lead you to those people to whom He wants you to speak, and to give you the words to say.

Daily study the Bible so that you know God's message to you, and His message for others.

Rely on the Holy Spirit to do His work.  Remember it is not your skill, but HIS, that brings the fruit which is pleasing to God.

If you follow these principles, and remain humble before the Lord, then you will become a faithful Christian witness, and honour and glory will be brought to the Name of the Lord.  That is the real purpose of the Christian life.  That is what brings eternal joy and satisfaction to the believer.

Click here for part 12.