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Good News For a Bad World - Studies in the Gospel of Mark - 12

Mark 3:13-35 (2)

Apparently Shakespeare is THE most quoted Englishman.  Well, that being so, let me quote what THE most quoted Englishman said.  Once upon a time, he was asked a question.  The question was this, “Who do you think was the greatest person who ever lived?” Without any hesitation he gave his response, “The greatest person who ever lived, was Jesus Christ, my Saviour.”

Well, whether you’re into Shakespeare or not, I hope you’re conclusion’s the same as his.

The Gospel of Mark is all about the greatest person who ever lived.  Jesus Christ, the Saviour.  It all revolves around Him.  Who He is and what He has done and what He can still do.

Last time we looked at Mark chapter 3:13-19 which was all about something Hopeful.  Jesus persevering with such a mixed bunch of disciples.

Today we come to Mark 3:20-35.

To begin with, there’s SOMETHING AWFUL.

The religious leaders had all they could take of Jesus.  The people had plenty of time for Him at least at this point in His ministry (verse 20).  Crowds and crowds went to wherever He was.  But the religious crowd had no time for Him whatsoever.  In fact, they’re out now, to get rid of Him once and for all.

And notice what they do? Here’s their tack.  Let’s attack His credibility.  And that’s exactly what happens.  They start a whispering campaign against Him.  Well, it’s not really much of a whispering campaign.  More like a tannoy announcement.

They accuse Him of being in league with, in partnership business with Satan.  He’s not on God’s side or on our side at all.  He’s actually an enemy in disguise.

Isn’t that some accusation? Here’s the Son of the Living God.  God Himself has already declared He’s well pleased with Him.  He has the stamp of heaven’s approval on all that He’s doing.

The only crime He’s guilty of is healing the sick.  Opening blinded eyes and deafened ears and touching crippled bodies and raising the dead.

BUT they don’t want to know.  They reject Him and hate Him and attack Him and lump Him with Satan.  How Awful.

The Apostles hear the call and they immediately commit themselves.  Whereas, they see what He’s doing and hear what He’s saying and they remove themselves.

Their heckles rise and their ears close and they turn away.  They decide to go down the road of rejection.

Something Hopeful.  Jesus takes and uses those we’d least expect.

Something Awful.  To witness for yourself all the claims and miracles of Christ and turn away from Him.


To those who have just rejected Him, Jesus utters some very solemn and fearful words.

Verses 28-30.  "Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation", because they said, "He has an unclean spirit."

Please notice where the stress is.  All sins will be forgiven!

That’s good news isn’t it? There’s forgiveness with God.  God loves to forgive.  He loves to show mercy.  He loves to display His grace.

Can I say to you, there’s no sin you could imagine that’s stronger than His love.  If we confess our sin, whatever it may be, then He will forgive and cleanse from all unrighteousness.

Jealousy can be forgiven.  Anger and bitterness and envy can be forgiven.  Every sin of omission can be forgiven.  Every sin of commission can be forgiven.

Every sin bar one! One single exception.  Listen.  There’s one sin God cannot and will not forgive and only one.  One sin the blood of Jesus can’t cleanse and only one.  Do you know what it is? It’s the sin of Christ rejection.

Alright.  Something Hopeful.  Jesus takes and uses those we’d least expect.

Something Awful.  To witness for yourself all the claims and miracles of Christ and turn away from Him.

Something Fearful.  Rejection of Jesus is unforgivable.

Lastly.  Something WONDERFUL.  We can be part of His family.

Verses 31-35.  “Then His brothers and His mother came, and standing outside they sent to Him, calling Him.  And a multitude was sitting around Him; and they said to Him, "Look, Your mother and Your brothers are outside seeking You." But He answered them, saying, "Who is My mother, or My brothers?" And He looked around in a circle at those who sat about Him, and said, "Here are My mother and My brothers! For whoever does the will of God is My brother and My sister and mother."

Have you ever wondered what it must’ve been like to live in the same home as Jesus.  To watch Him and talk with Him and touch Him and play with Him and grow up with Him.  Just to be part of His earthly family.  What a privilege.

And yet, according to Jesus Himself, those of us who trust Him and obey Him and are part of His spiritual family are even closer than those who were in His earthly family.

Isn’t that wonderful.  They knew Him for a few years.  They belonged to that Galilean home and household for a short time.  We know Him.  We belong to Him forever.

I mean, how much closer to Jesus can you get than His mother.  He was part of her.  Yes conceived by the Holy Spirit.  BUT Mary’s virgin born child.

No-one could be any closer.  WRONG! We’re closer.  That’s what He says here.  Isn’t that fantastic? The spiritual connection is infinitely closer and stronger and more intimate than any earthly tie.

Something Hopeful.  Jesus takes and uses those we’d least expect.  A good job for that!

Something Awful.  To witness for yourself all the claims and miracles of Christ and turn away from Him.

Something Fearful.  Rejection of Jesus is unforgivable.

Something wonderful.  We can be part of His family.