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Good News For a Bad World - Studies in the Gospel of Mark - 8

Mark 2:1-14 (2)

Last time we began looking at the second chapter of Mark’s Gospel.  We found ourselves in the town of Capernaum.  And guess what? Jesus is in town.  And people have come from all over the place to see Him and hear for themselves.  And we used the word Fame.  We’re right in the middle of what’s called the year of popularity as far as the ministry of Christ is concerned. 

And then, we come across a poor paralysed man.  He can’t move.  You see, his whole existence is a little mat.  A tiny mattress.  That’s his life.  That’s his entire world.  And the word we used was the word Frustration.

And so Fame and Frustration.  We pick up the story again today and the next word is FRIENDSHIP.

This poor paralytic had a group of friends.  Wonderful friends.  Thoughtful friends.  Faithful friends.  And these friends take him to Jesus.  And Mark tells us that as they approach the house, they can’t get anywhere near the place.  It’s bulging and bursting at the seams.  There’s hardly room to move.

And so, they come up with an idea.  They climb onto the flat roof and they start to chip away at the tiles.  These are good friends and kind friends but they are also persistent and determined friends.  They don’t give up easily.

Imagine the scene from inside.  Now there’s a great big gap in the ceiling and slowly but surely they lower this guy down through the hole.  And finally, the mat drops onto the floor, right in front of Jesus.

Listen.  The Bible tells us that friendship, true friendship, Christian friendship is a wonderful blessing from God.  In fact, it says we should treasure and cherish such friendship.

And of course, friends can help us in a whole host of ways, but the best help they can be to us, is to bring us closer to Jesus.

I wonder what kind of friend are you? Are you a mat carrying friend? Do you lift those who’re in need and take them in the direction of Christ?

Let me give you another word.  FORGIVENESS.

In the midst of all of this Jesus speaks some wonderful words of hope.  He’s surrounded by a crowd of people and lots of activity but still He speaks lovingly and caringly and tenderly and PERSONALLY.  Isn’t that just so typical of Jesus.

You see, Jesus is a personal Saviour.  Would you remember that you’re not just a number to Him or a statistic, but a person.  He knows you and cares for you as an individual.  Well, this man certainly was a precious person to Jesus.

And according to verse 5 Jesus then pronounces a Royal pardon.  "… Son, your sins are forgiven you".

If you read the Old Testament you’ll discover that the promised One, the Messiah who was to come would have power and authority.

In fact, He’d demonstrate His power and authority over death and over demons and over nature and over the elements.

And of course Jesus had such power and such authority.  The reason? He was the Messiah, the promised One, the One who was to come.

Well, here again we see His power and authority this time over disease and sickness and paralysis.

BUT there’s something else.  According to the prophet Isaiah and the prophet Ezekiel, the promised One, the coming One, the Messiah would also have saving power and authority.  He’d be able to forgive sin and grant salvation.

And once more, Jesus does just that.  He gives this man that which he needs more than anything else.  Forgiveness of sins.

Ok, Fame, Frustration, Friendship and Forgiveness.

Lastly, FOCUS.

At first the focus is very much on this man and his four friends.  Now the focus shifts to who? To Jesus Himself.  He takes centre stage.  And those who witness what was going on (verse 12) “ … were amazed and glorified God, saying, ‘We never saw anything like this!’"

“WOW! We’ve never seen the likes of this before in our entire lives”.

In fact, if you go through the different Gospel accounts you’ll discover several statements where we catch a little glimpse of people’s amazement of Jesus.

You remember, after His sermon in the Synagogue they couldn’t believe how He taught.  Unlike the Scribes and Pharisees.  His ministry was altogether different.  It was accompanied by a sense of heaven and the hush of eternity.  And they were amazed.

And then, He calmed the raging storm and spoke to the wind and the waves.  And once more they were amazed.

Here and elsewhere, they were amazed at His healing power.  And even more than that, they were amazed at His forgiving and saving power.

Aren’t you glad to know, that Jesus has forgiving and saving power.  It was certainly good news for the guy in these verses.

Well, there we have a summary of this wonderful episode in the life and times of Jesus:

Fame, Frustration, Friendship, Forgiveness and Focus.

Click here for part 9.