Lessons from the Life of David - Chapter 1
Chosen by God
David’s story is one of the most interesting and absorbing in the Bible. The name David means ‘Beloved’, which proved to be true of this fine Bible character that was beloved of so many during his very eventful life. It is worth noting that more Scripture is given to recording David’s life and work than any person other than God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. David lived an intriguing life, filled with noble deeds, high aspirations, great accomplishments for his God and his people and yet having committed terrible sins. In describing David’s life and personality, someone has said, ‘In its elements and passion, tenderness, piety, generosity and fierceness - this shepherd, soldier, poet, priest, prophet, king, statesman, leader and devoted father, David stands alone. Such a man as this then, became God’s choice to be the second King of Israel. Samuel, a great man of God describing David in 1 Samuel chapter 13 verse 14, said, “The Lord has sought out a man after His own heart and appointed him the leader of his people.” We discover as we read the Bible, that God’s choices are always, without exception, the most appropriate ones. This is because God is sovereign and in consequence is always right.
We are first introduced to David in 1 Samuel chapter 16, where we have presented to us a very clear description of God at work through His great servant Samuel, in choosing a future King to replace Saul, the then reigning monarch. Samuel was directed to the house of Jesse, a God - fearing man who had eight sons. God had briefed Samuel to interview each of these sons in order to discover who was to be anointed that very day as the eventual replacement for Saul. To do this, as one would expect, Samuel started with the eldest son, Eliad. He was a fine tall specimen of a man of fine appearance. But the Lord said to Samuel, “This is not the one.” Samuel was taught a lesson here. We then read that Jesse made all seven of his sons pass before Samuel who had to tell Jesse that the Lord has not chosen any of these. Samuel then asked, “Are these all the sons you have?” Jesse answered, “There is still one, my youngest, who is out in the fields tending the sheep.” On hearing this, Samuel said, “Send for him. We will not sit down until he arrives.” David was then brought in. The Bible says he was fair with a fine appearance and handsome features. Then the Lord spoke and said, “He is the one. Rise, Samuel, and anoint him.” This he did, taking the horn of oil and anointing David in the presence of his family. We are told that from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power.
I believe that there are some very important lessons that Christian believers can learn from this account of David’s selection by God. We note the words of our Saviour in the Gospel of John chapter 15 verse 16 where speaking to his disciples, Jesus said, “You have not chosen me but I have chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit.” How wonderful to know that we too are his chosen ones and that in choosing us He wants us to serve Him in the harvest field of this world. His great desire and intention is that we should be fruitful. First of all through the daily witness of our lives, and secondly as we share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others who need to know Him personally.
Paul, the great Apostle to the Gentiles, had an amazing conversion. It is described in detail in Acts chapter 9. We are told that as he travelled on the road to Damascus, suddenly a light flashed from heaven and as he fell blinded to the ground, he heard the voice of Jesus saying to him, “Saul, why do you persecute me.” Saul replied, “Who are you Lord.” And he was told, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. Now get up and go into the city and you will be told what you must do.” His men led him into the city, and after three days a disciple of Jesus, named Ananias, was sent to help him. The Lord had given Ananias an instruction to find this new convert, Saul, and help him. We are told that the Lord said to Ananias, “This man is my chosen vessel to the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel.” For the rest of his life Saul, whose name was later changed to Paul, , fulfilled that call and commission and as a result, countless numbers of people from many nations, became true, dedicated followers of Jesus Christ.
I trust that we have discovered in our study that every Christian believer has been chosen for a purpose. Let us then endeavour out of love for our Saviour and Lord seek to fulfil his expectation of us.